Presbytery Council
a. Continually develop, evaluate, and recommend to the Presbytery Assembly the ongoing vision, priorities, and actions for Blackhawk Presbytery.
b. Facilitate coordination and information sharing among committees and commissions.
c. Holds accountable all committees or ad hoc groups reporting to Council.
d. Present an annual budget for the work of the Presbytery to the Presbytery Assembly for approval.
e. Monitor on a consistent basis Presbytery’s financial status and compliance with the approved budget. Work with staff, committees and commissions to make necessary adjustments.
f. Participate in the development of Presbytery’s revenues through various sources including stewardship interpretation and education.
g. Oversee the business practices Presbytery has in place and assign tasks to appropriate entities within the current structure.
h. Participate in deliberations on legal and real estate matters and work with the Corporate Trustees
i. Address issues that arise that do not fall within the responsibility of a particular committee or commission.
j. Receive from Personnel Committee and recommend the nomination of persons for the officer positions of Stated Clerk and Treasurer.
k. Nominate the moderator and members of the Nominating Committee and the Committee on Representation.
l. Recommend to Presbytery Assembly the creation of Administration Commissions other than for installation and ordination which are handled by the Commission on Ministry.
16 voting members: the moderators of Commission on Ministry, Committee on Preparation for Ministry, Mission Committee, Nominating Committee, Personnel Committee, Finance and Property Committee, Visioning and Assembly Planning Committee; six at-large members; and the Moderator, Vice-Moderator, and Immediate Past Moderator of the Presbytery Assembly.
Meeting Schedule:
4th Tuesday (except November and December) of the month at 9:30 am, by video conference or at Stronghold.
Pastor Ray Lantz, Moderator