Our Congregations
Bolingbrook - First Presbyterian Church of DuPage
Rev. KJ Norris
180 N Weber Rd, Bolingbrook, IL, USAfirstpresdupage@gmail.com
Office: 630.759.8843
Website: https://www.firstpresdupage.org
Braidwood - First Presbyterian Church
Pastor Dale Tolly, Pastor
106 S Lincoln St, Braidwood, IL, USAbdwd1stpres@gmail.com
Office: 815.458.6317
Caledonia - Willow Creek Presbyterian Church of Argyle
Rev. Lauren Patrus-Betzel
7300 Belvidere Rd, Caledonia, IL, USAoffice@willowcreekpc.org
Office: 815.885.3455
Website: https://willowcreekpc.org/
Coal City - New Hope Presbyterian Church
Rev. Jan Chandler
80 N Garfield St, Coal City, IL, USAnewhopepresbychurch@gmail.com
Office: 815.634.8332
Website: https://newhopepresbyterian.blogspot.com/
Crystal Lake - Ridgefield-Crystal Lake Presbyterian Church
Rev. Nicole Melara
8505 Church St, Crystal Lake, IL, USAoffice@rclpc.org
Office: 815.459.1132
Website: https://www.rclpc.org
Dakota Community Presbyterian Church
James Brown, Worship Leader
210 N Church St, Dakota, IL, USAOffice: 815.449.2216
DeKalb - Westminster Presbyterian Church
Rev. Molly Fisherkeller
830 North Annie Glidden Road, DeKalb, IL, USAoffice@westminsterdekalb.org
Office: 815.756.2905
Website: https://www.westminsterdekalb.org
Dixon - First Presbyterian Church
Rev. Dr. Cheyanna Losey
110 E 3rd St, Dixon, IL, USAfpcdixonoffice@gmail.com
Office: 815.284.7741
Website: https://www.fpcdixon.com
Earlville - United Presbyterian Church
Jane Russell, Clerk of Session
620 S Ottawa St, Earlville, IL, USAupcearlville@gmail.com
Office: 815.246.8004
Website: https://upc-earlville.weeblysite.com
Elgin - First Presbyterian Church
Rev. Thea Kornelius
240 Standish St, Elgin, IL, USAoffice.manager@fpce.org
Office: 847.742.6365
Website: https://www.fpce.org
Elizabeth - Schapville Zion Presbyterian Church
Pastor Dottie Morizzo, CP
635 E Schapville Rd, Elizabeth, IL, USApastord316@gmail.com
Office: 815.845.2272
Website: https://schapvillezion.org/
Elmira United Presbyterian Church
Rev. Art Blegen
7874 State Route 93, Toulon, IL, USAOffice: 309.896.3481
Elwood Community Presbyterian Church
Pastor Mike Engle, CP
101 N Chicago St, Elwood, IL, USAelwoodchurch@gmail.com
Office: 815.423.5113
Website: https://www.elwoodchurch.org
Fairbury - First Presbyterian Church
Pastor Alan Willadsen, CP
101 E Elm St, Fairbury, IL, USAfairburypresbyterian@route24.net
Office: 815.692.2963
Website: https://www.firstpresfairbury.org
Franklin Grove - First Presbyterian Church
Pastor Jack Briggs, CP
106 Franklin St, Franklin Grove, IL, USAjack_briggs@hotmail.com
Office: 815.456.2432
Website: https://www.franklingrovepresby.org
Fulton - Garden Plain Presbyterian Church
Elder Dianna Dolton, Clerk of Session
14915 Sand Rd, Fulton, IL, USAOffice: 309.887.4253
Fulton Presbyterian Church
Elder Anne Balk, Clerk of Session
311 9th St, Fulton, IL, USApresbyterianchurchfulton@gmail.com
Office: 815.589.3580
Website: https://www.fultonpreschurch.org
Galena - First Presbyterian Church
Rev. Jim McCrea
106 N Bench St, Galena, IL, USAjrmfpc@gmail.com
Office: 815.777.0229
Website: https://www.firstpresgalena.org
Gardner - Church of Hope Presbyterian Church
Rev. Jan Chandler
202 N Monroe St, Gardner, IL, USAchurchofhope@sbcglobal.net
Office: 815.237.8312
Website: https://gardnerchurchofhope.org/
Geneva - Fox Valley Presbyterian Church
Rev. Stephanie Anthony
227 East Side Dr, Geneva, IL, USAfvpc@foxvalleypres.org
Office: 630.232.7448
Website: https://foxvalleypres.org/
Gibson City - First Presbyterian Church
Elder Mary Clow, Clerk of Session
401 N Church St, Gibson City, IL, USAfpcgc60936@sbcglobal.net
Office: 217.784.5422
Website: https://www.firstpresbygibson.org
Hanover - United Presbyterian Church
Elder Karen Cliff, Clerk of Session
110 Washington St, Hanover, Illinois, USAHUPC1839@gmail.com
Office: 815.591.3396
Harvard - First Presbyterian Church
Pastor Claire Brennecka, CP
7100 Harvard Hills Rd, Harvard, IL, USAfpcharvard@gmail.com
Office: 815.943.4474
Website: https://www.fpcharvard.org
Henry - First United Presbyterian Church
Rev. Canessa Lagan
511 Wirt St, Henry, IL, USAfirstpreshenry@gmail.com
Office: 309.364.3083
Website: https://www.henrypres.org
Joliet - First Presbyterian Church
Rev. Bogdan Mircea
805 Western Ave, Joliet, IL, USAoffice@firstpresjoliet.org
Office: 815.727.9259
Website: https://www.firstpresjoliet.org
Joliet - Westminster Presbyterian Church
Pastor Karen Williams, CP
1015 Winthrop Ave, Joliet, IL, USAoffice@westpresjoliet.org
Office: 815.725.6687
Website: https://www.westpresjoliet.org
Kewanee - First Presbyterian Church
Rev. Art Blegen
307 South Tremont Street, Kewanee, IL, USAfirstpress307@frontier.com
Office: 309.852.2564
Website: https://www.fpckewanee.org
La Rose - Crow Meadow Presbyterian Church
Rev. Dave Terrinoni
210 West Chestnut Street, La Rose, IL, USAManteno - Community Presbyterian Church
Pastor Paul Koch, CP
64 S Walnut St, Manteno, IL, USAoffice@communitypres.church
Office: 815.468.3275
Website: https://communitypres.church/
Marengo - First Presbyterian Church
Rev. Karen Schlack, Stated Supply
203 W Washington St, Marengo, IL 60152, USAfpcmarengo@gmail.com
Office: 815.568.7441
McHenry - Faith Presbyterian Church
Rev. Rich Davis
2107 W Lincoln Rd, McHenry, IL, USAfpc1office@gmail.com
Office: 815.385.5388
Website: https://www.mchenryfaithchurch.com
Mendota - First Presbyterian Church
Pastor Laurie Walker, CP
1003 5th St, Mendota, IL, USAmendotafirstpres@gmail.com
Office: 815.538.5603
Website: https://www.fpcmendota.com
Morris - First Presbyterian Church
Rev. James Friesen
200 E Jackson St, Morris, IL, USAfpchurch200@gmail.com
Office: 815.942.1871
Website: https://firstpresmorris.org
Morrison - First Presbyterian Church
Rev. Dr. Mike Selburg
100 East Lincolnway, Morrison, IL, USAfirstpresmorrison@gmail.com
Office: 815.772.3510
Website: https://www.firstpresmorrison.org
New Lenox - Central Presbyterian Church
Pastor Chrystal Abbott, CP
1101 Gougar Road, New Lenox, IL, USAcentralpresby@netzero.com
Office: 815.485.5152
Website: https://central-presbyterian-church.org/
Oswego Presbyterian Church
Rev. Dr. Richard (Skip) Shaffer
1976 Illinois 25, Oswego, IL, USAoffice@opchurch.org
Office: 630.554.8194
Website: https://www.opchurch.org
Ottawa - First Presbyterian Church
Rev. John Walker
114 E Jefferson St, Ottawa, IL, USAfpcone@ottawafirstpres.org
Office: 815.433.1045
Website: https://www.ottawafirstpres.org
Paw Paw - First Presbyterian Church
Elder John Prentice, Clerk of Session
398 Chicago Rd, Paw Paw, IL, USAOffice: 815.627.3371
Piper City - First Presbyterian Church
Pastor Ray Lantz, CP
224 S. Margaret Ave, Piper City, IL, USApiper.presby@gmail.com
Office: 815.686.2525
Plainfield - Wheatland Presbyterian Church
Pastor Chuck Johnson, CP
11839 Heggs Road, Plainfield, IL, USAwebmaster@wheatlandpres.org
Office: 630.904.1140
Website: https://www.wheatlandpres.org
Pontiac - First Presbyterian Church
Pastor JD Buchenau, CP
209 W Livingston St, Pontiac, IL, USAfpcpontiacil@mediacombb.net
Office: 815.844.7904
Website: https://www.firstprespontiac.org/
Princeton - First Presbyterian Church
Pastor Colleen Lawrence, CP
320 Park Ave E, Princeton, IL, USA1stpresprinceton@gmail.com
Office: 815.875.1306
Website: https://www.1stpresprinceton.com
Rochelle - First Presbyterian Church
Rev. Doug Forsberg
1100 Calvin Rd, Rochelle, IL, USAinfo@placeforgrace.com
Office: 815.562.7053
Website: https://www.placeforgrace.com
Rockford - 2nd Congregational/1st Presbyterian Church
Pastor Becky Erbe, CP
318 N Church St, Rockford, IL, USAmitzi.muntz@secondfirst.org
Office: 815.963.8431
Website: https://www.secondfirst.org
Rockford - Korean Presbyterian Church
Pastor Hansung Yoo
5512 35th St, Rockford, IL, USAchulkoo.yang@gmail.com
Office: 815.874.7778
Rockford - Third Presbyterian Church
Rev. Steve Bowie
1221 Custer Ave, Rockford, IL, USAthirdpreschurch@yahoo.com
Office: 815.962.7889
Website: https://www.thirdpreschurch.com
Rockford - Westminster Presbyterian Church
Pastor Gretchen Hammeke, CP
2821 N Bell School Rd, Rockford, IL, USAwpc@westminsterchurch.cc
Office: 815.282.1500
Website: https://www.westminsterchurch.cc
Romeoville - United Presbyterian Church
Pastor Sandy Cummins, CP and Clerk of Session
2 Belmont Dr, Romeoville, IL, USAOffice: 815.886.4874
Sandwich Federated Church
Pastor Matthew Jones
403 N Main St, Sandwich, IL, USAfedconnection@gmail.com
Office: 815.786.8595
Website: https://www.fedconnection.net
Savanna - First Presbyterian Church
Rev. Gary Panetta
502 3rd St, Savanna, IL, USApastor@fpcsavanna.org
Office: 815.273.2783
Website: https://www.fpcsavanna.org/
Shannon - Prairie Dell Presbyterian Church
Elder Ardath DeWall, Clerk of Session
16032 West Coffman Road, Shannon, IL, USAprairiedellchurch@frontiernet.net
Office: 815.864.2448
Somonauk - United Presbyterian Church
Elder Linda Trostle, Clerk of Session
14030 Chicago Rd, Somonauk, IL, USAsomonaukupchurch@yahoo.com
Office: 815.786.2703
St. Anne - First Presbyterian Church
Michael Seed, Worship Leader
334 S St Louis Ave, Saint Anne, IL, USAstanne1st@gmail.com
Office: 815.427.8430
Sterling - First Presbyterian Church
Elder Gail Dancey, Clerk of Session
410 2nd Ave, Sterling, IL, USAfirstpresbyteriansterling@live.com
Office: 815.625.0452
Website: https://www.firstpresbyteriansterling.org
Streator - Park Presbyterian Church
Rev. Caleb Suydam
201 N Vermillion St, Streator, IL, USAoffice@parkpresby.org
Office: 815.673.1526
Website: https://www.parkpresby.org
Utica - Waltham Presbyterian Church
Rev. Joel Stevenor
809 N 3450th Rd, North Utica, IL, USAwalthampreschurch@gmail.com
Office: 815.667.4611
Website: https://www.walthamchurch.org/main.htm
Waterman Presbyterian Church
Pastor Jack Berghorst, CP
250 N Cedar St, Waterman, IL, USAwpc_office@frontier.com
Office: 815.264.3491
Website: https://www.watermanpres.com
Watseka - First Presbyterian Church
John Franklin, Worship Leader
215 East Cherry Street, Watseka, IL, USAwfpc@att.net
Office: 815.432.3096
Wilmington - First Presbyterian Church
Elder Marie Calhoon, Clerk of Session
301 N Kankakee St, Wilmington, IL, USA1stpresbychurch@gmail.com
Office: 815.476.9025
Website: https://1st-presbyterian-church.net
Winnebago - First Presbyterian Church
Rev. Lisa Lopez-Meyer
208 W Winnebago St, Winnebago, IL, USAthewfpc1@gmail.com
Office: 815.335.2051
Website: https://www.thewfpc.org
Winnebago - Middle Creek Presbyterian Church
Pastor Phil Thompson, CP
12473 Montague Rd, Winnebago, IL, USAmiddlecreekchurch@gmail.com
Office: 815.335.2609
Website: https://www.middlecreekchurch.com
Woodstock - First Presbyterian Church
Rev. Eric Corbin
2018 Illinois 47, Woodstock, IL, USAoffice@fpcwoodstock.org
Office: 815.338.2627
Website: https://www.fpcwoodstock.org
Yorkville - Au Sable Grove Presbyterian Church
Rev. Jenny Hubbard
5021 Wheeler Rd, Yorkville, IL, USAOffice: 630.554.3507
Website: https://ausablegrove.org