Mission Grants

When funds are available in its Mission Fund or Peacemaking Fund, Blackhawk Presbytery offers grants that support the presbytery’s vision and mission and that of the Presbyterian Church (USA). These funds are available to Blackhawk Presbytery’s churches, entities, and recognized networks and partnerships. The Mission Grant Program is funded through contributions to Blackhawk Presbytery’s mission funds and through the Peace and Global Witness Special Offering. It is administered through the Mission Committee of the Presbytery.

Funding Criteria for Mission Grants

  • All programs/projects must support Blackhawk Presbytery’s vision as well as the vision and mission of the Presbyterian Church (USA).
  • Programs/projects may be focused locally, regionally, nationally or internationally.
  • Funding is intended for development or one-time costs, not for ongoing operational expenses.
  • Community outreach projects must be congregation-based and focused on reconnecting with the community (not intended to support local area social service programs).
  • Network and partnership projects must be open to the whole presbytery (not intended for operational expenses or to fund people to attend conferences).

Additional Criteria for Grants Funded Through Peacemaking Funds

Projects requesting support from Peacemaking funds must relate to peacemaking in at least one of the areas identified in the Peacemaking Program’s Commitment to Peacemaking: worship, prayer & bible study, peacemaking in families & community living, community ministries, study & response to global issues, global security, and making peace with the earth. Learn more about the Commitment to Peacemaking and download the Companion Guide.

Accountability Requirements

  • Applicants must provide a statement of expected project outcomes that align with the presbytery’s vision and/or the vision/mission of the Presbyterian Church (USA).
  • Applicants must demonstrate a commitment and ownership of this project by providing financial and/or in-kind support of at least 50%.
  • Recipients must submit a mid-year and final report.
  • Recipients must provide a presbytery meeting display describing their project and its outcomes.


We prefer to receive applications via email. Download the application here (pdf) or (word doc) complete, scan and email to the presbytery office. Or mail the application to the Mission Committee, c/o Blackhawk Presbytery, P.O. Box 476, Oregon, IL 61061.

Funding Calendar

Application deadlines are 30 days after each stated Presbytery Meeting (5 times per year – February, April, June, September, November). The Mission Committee’s policy is to read the request one month and to vote after a second reading at the next meeting. They reserve the right to waive this policy as necessary.

Funding awards are dependent on the availability of funds.


Please contact the Mission Committee Moderator or the Presbytery office.

This program is made possible by contributions from Blackhawk churches to the Presbytery’s mission fund, and by their contributions to the Peace and Global Witness Special Offering.