Mission Committee
- Hold public the missional vision of Blackhawk Presbytery and to recommend revisions to the presbytery as needed.
- Plan, recommend, and implement a presbytery strategy for new church development.
- Manage the resourcing and support of the congregations of the presbytery to be thriving faith communities.
- Manage a mission grant program for congregations.
- Encourage networks and partnerships that align with the missional vision of Blackhawk Presbytery and/or the purposes of the PC(USA).
Nine members composed of balanced representation of ministers and members of congregations.
Meeting Schedule:
Generally monthly, the fourth Thursday of the month at 3:00 pm on zoom.
Rev. Molly Morris, Moderator
Presbyterians have a long history of responding to hurricanes, floods, tornadoes and many other natural disasters with their time and talents. When Blackhawk groups organize work trips, the Presbytery has often helped provide support. Currently, modest funds are available to assist planning response efforts to local disasters.
In addition, many of our churches send members to help with a variety of mission trips/projects. If you are willing to include members of other churches, the Mission Committee would like to encourage you to do so. Since many of our congregations are small in size, joining a larger group is often their only option and much appreciated. It is an opportunity for outreach and fellowship while helping others. Please send your trip information to the Presbytery office and we will work with you to help publicize the information and reach out to others in the Presbytery.