Dismantling Structural Racism
- ‘Bending the Moral Arc’: Courageous Conversations on Race and Justice.Manual for universal use by churches.
- Racial Justice Resources – Statements from the PC(USA), worship resources, policy statements, books, study and discussion materials, and more.
- Juneteenth and the PC(USA) background information. Also visit JUNETEENTH.COM
- Use the Implicit Bias Toolkit (Just the links: Harvard Implicit Association test, Project Implicit, Dushaw Hocket TED Talk, The Water We Swim In, Discussion Questions)
- Engaging Matthew 25 Through Film (a suggested discussion series featuring five influential films)
- Race vs. Religion – Uncomfortable Conversations With a Black Man (Episode 7 of this compelling series of videos)
- Sarah Schoper Salazar can’t be easily dismissed: This Macomb, Illinois church member addresses structural racism in her community
- Ten films that explore the sin of structural racism
- Eco-Justice Journey: Teens Gather Around Environmental Racism
- “America’s Iceberg”: Graphic image helpful for exploring hidden racism