Kenya Partnership

First formed in 1996, this partnership between the Presbyterian Church of East Africa and Blackhawk Presbytery is recognized by the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA). The agreement provides support, training, and relationship for parishes, congregations, institutions, and pastors in the Imenti Presbyteries. Blackhawk Presbytery has provided annual training programs, exchange trips between the presbyteries, consultation, and capital funds for a Conference Training Center in Meru. A number of congregations in the presbytery are partners with congregations or institutions in Imenti presbyteries.

Contact: Pastor Claire Brennecka

Imenti Scholarship Fund

In 2017, Blackhawk Presbytery joined with our partner, the Imenti Presbytery in Kenya (Presbyterian Church of East Africa) to create the Imenti Scholarship Fund. This Fund provides scholarships for students of low-income families in Imenti Presbytery who would not otherwise be able to continue into high school or college. There is government support of schools, but the annual fees to parents of about $50 for high school and $125 for college are unaffordable for many of these families. Currently sponsored students include orphans and children of single-parent families.

This is an excellent alternative gifting opportunity. Donations may be made through the Donate button on the Presbytery home page. Please download the gift card to present to your honoree.

Coins for Kenya

Coins for Kenya is an active year-around collection that is used to provide food for people in crisis. Many partner churches ask people to drop their “pocket change” in a special receptacle, but anyone can make a donation. A little adds up and goes a long way.

Thanks to a special Coins for Kenya collection, $5,100 was wired to our Imenti partners in the spring of 2020 to purchase seed for people in Rwarera, Kenya who after surviving a recent draught were unable to afford seed to plant their farming plots. The distribution, coordinated by Rev. Joseph, was a success despite ongoing COVID restrictions. He reported that 290 families got 4 kg of maize to plant. Bwana Asifiwe, Praise the Lord! Send your Coins for Kenya checks to Blackhawk Presbytery.

Kenya Partners visit in September 2023

The highlight of the September 12 Presbytery Meeting at Stronghold was welcoming and hearing from our three Kenyan guests representing Imenti Presbyteries of the Presbyterian Church of East Africa. The message during our worship was given by Rev. Samuel Muratha who serves the PCEA as their Director of Mission. Kaburu and Kajuju M’Ribu also represented our partners in Kenya. During their 10 day visit to Blackhawk they had more opportunities to connect with many of their partners-in-Christ.