Bylaws and Policies

How We Select General Assembly Commissioners

Selling, Encumbering or Leasing Church Property

The Board of Trustees for the Corporation of Blackhawk Presbytery is responsible for overseeing the fiscal and property resources of the presbytery (Book of Order G-4.0206).

G-4.0206 Selling, Encumbering, or Leasing Church Property
a. Selling or Encumbering Congregational Property
A congregation shall not sell, mortgage, or otherwise encumber any of its real property and it shall not acquire real property subject to an encumbrance or condition without the written permission of the presbytery transmitted through the session of the congregation.

b. Leasing Congregational Property
A congregation shall not lease its real property used for purposes of worship, or lease for more than five years any of its other real property, without the written permission of the presbytery transmitted through the session of the congregation.

Contact the Stated Clerk to begin the approval process.